
I truly believe that if you have bad audio, you have bad video. I work hard when recording audio to make sure it will sound perfect in post. I’m proficient in Adobe Audition and have come up with techniques that work for me in order to create great audio.

 Sick Beats! with Jared and Sofia

During my senior year at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, I started a podcast called “Sick Beats! with Jared and Sofia.” This podcast is like a book club, but for music. While we are on a hiatus from production, we have recorded 15 episodes ranging from 50 minutes to an hour and a half long. Each week, we talk about an album and our favorite and least favorite things about it, as well as theories of what songs and lyrics mean. Then, my co-host Sofia and I would curate a ten-song playlist every week titled “Sick Beats! Charts.” This was a great way to get myself familiar with how to work Adobe Audition, how to record long-form content, and how to manage a podcast that releases weekly.

Film Scoring

For my Music Technology minor, I got the honor to take a course all about creating a score for a film. This course helped me understand how music can affect a piece of media and change the tone of a scene. Attached here is a scene from No Country for Old Men, where the original score was taken out and I was tasked to create a score for said scene. I used Logic Pro X, a program I am now knowledgeable in, and created this.


Motion Graphics