Motion Graphics

Adding motion graphics is where videos get their fresh breath of air. They’re not only there to catch attention but to breathe personality into otherwise bland information. My main experience is in Adobe After Effects when it comes to motion graphics. I’m always excited to learn new techniques within the program. I’m also learning more about 3D animation in Blender.

10/11 Creative Services

Similar to work seen in the Video Section of my portfolio, I utilize motion graphics frequently as a Creative Services Producer. Below is a playlist of commercials in which I’ve focused the content heavily on Motion Graphics.

Jacht Agency

Jacht Agency’s Final Presentation Opening Animation - Spring 2022

To date, I am the most proud of this animation and how it turned out. This 30-second animation was made for the purpose of introducing Jacht Agency’s Final Presentation on May 9, 2022. I worked with Reagan Smith, Olivia Klein, and Ashley Chong to conceptualize the idea. We wanted to give the Jacht logo a personality and have it explore the underwater world. Ashley Chong and I storyboarded the concept and reached out to Graphic Designer Maria Guiza Beltran for our graphics. I used Adobe After Effects to animate each sea creature, coral reef, and water. I utilized the Puppet Pin tool to make fluid movements. My file ended up using 4 different compositions and took around 20 hours to create.

Motion Graphic for Omaha STEM

I was asked to quickly fix a statistic graphic for Omaha STEM at Jacht Agency. I had a very tight deadline and was able to produce it in an hour. I utilized the previous animation’s concept and the client’s colors and brought in effects such as a drop shadow, a slider control for the numbers, and lots of Easy Ease to make everything move smoothly. I am super proud of how this turned out, especially with how fast the turn around on this project was.

Text Animation

“Slow Dancing” by Aly & AJ Lyric Video

This animation was made with the idea that it could work as a Valentine’s Day e-card. In this animation, I wanted to share the story of two circles falling in love. The challenge was: how do you show that kind of affection without animating facial features or emotions? They’re just circles. I pulled it off by making the circles move closer to one another, slow dancing to the song, and coordinating the movement to what the lyrics of the song are saying.

College of Journalism and Mass Communications Kinetic Text Animation

I created this text animation in my BRDC 433 class as an opportunity to create assets for the College of Journalism and Mass Communications. This was my first time trying to create a dynamic text animation in Adobe After Effects without the storytelling elements of a lyric video. It was a challenge getting everything to rotate smoothly and come in at the right time, but I am extremely proud of how it turned out. This animation got the Dean of the College of Journalism and Mass Communications, Shari Veil’s, stamp of approval.



